So in the last month, I've celebrated 3 months with a wonderful guy, valentines day with the same guy (thankfully), and my 21st birthday. I'm almost halfway through my last semester of this undergrad career. I've been pursuing other job opportunities, still to no avail, but I'm trying. (actually that's a little fib. HR really liked me and would have hired me on the spot at my interview but my schedule conflicted with school and their schedule. But i can go back in May and do something then).
It has been a busy month. DJ moved in officially. That is going wonderful by the way. He's a great roommate cause he cleans (I think he cleans more than me actually, but shh I'm leaving that a secret). He's the most wonderful boyfriend I have ever had. He genuinely treats me like a princess, even when I'm acting more like the wicked witch. So that's good. :)
I guess I haven't really needed this blog to air my thoughts so much anymore because I've been too busy to just sit back and ponder. I thought this was bad, but I think it is just a sign that I'm really growing into myself and meeting life head on. I've been kicked down and beaten so much in my life, but every time I try to fight harder the next round. Maybe I'm just finally winning a round. I know that at some point things will get complicated again. I know there is more to be faced, but I also know I am confident in who I am and I know without a doubt that nothing can bring me down too far.
So I wish everyone a safe and happy march and enjoy the funky minnesota spring we have ahead.
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