Monday, November 26, 2012
Just catching up
Friday, November 23, 2012
The doubt myself moments
I doubt...
1. When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up. It seems so close and far away. It scares me and I doubt sometimes that I'll ever amount to anything.
2. That there is more than one true love. I loved Chris blindly. It was a first love full of innocence. Now I am guarded and love feels out of reach.
3. That I will ever be not poor. I'm terrified I won't be able to find a job and live on my own.
4. Friends will stay.
5. I will ever get the children I want.
6. I will get to live in Seattle at some point in my life.
Lots of things cause doubt but if we never doubted ourselves we'd never have the joy of finding courage.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I'm busy with keeping track of everything. Why is it that I do so well with my planner the first half the semester then dwindle off on writing things down? Eh. I'll live.
I got officially weighed (by a doctor, poo) and I weigh 133lbs. Yikes! College quit fattening me up!!! Thanksgiving surely won't help. But again, I'll live.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Feeling Disconnected
I know I did what is best. I intend to stick to this. I enlisted Mak and Brooke in helping me stay strong.
I just don't feel like I'm a part of my life at the moment. I know what I have to do and I know what I want, but I feel like I'm opening my eyes to the world on the sunniest day of the year. I feel blinded. I know I'll be ok. I'm not sad. I'm not even worried. I just feel disconnected. Thanksgiving will be good.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Untapped Courage
Friday, November 16, 2012
He didn't declare any long I wanna be friends and love you forever thing, but he obviously wants to stick around. Now if he actually does is the true test.
I'm happy that I mattered enough to say he didn't want me to leave forever, but he basically is just starting this whole on and off thing all over again.
My friends have take to calling him leap year. He usually shows up about every three months so I mean kinda suitable nickname.
Well, paper is calling.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
McDonald's Makes Me Fat And Happy
I made it through class. I stood up for myself and other adopted children when someone was saying that being adopted doesn't affect you. That's a lie. I kindly, but firmly, explained the way in which I feel being adopted does make a significant difference. Regardless, I lived.
After class... McDonald's! Despite Cole having to jump his car, it was fun. I love the holiday pies they have. I also love the intense moment of college student-ness when I paid in all change. Boo Ya! Good times with friends make me fat and happy.
Now on with the paper... Ugh.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sooooo yeah....
Right now, I feel nervous and uncomfortable. I'm nervous about my paper. I'm upset still about Mak possibly moving in with Tavia and Tori next year. I'm also very uncomfortable with how close my feelings about relationships are at the moment. It sucks.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Uh oh.
I keep my walls high and very thick. No one is getting in here.
Well so I thought. I have stirrings of potential feelings for someone I see as one of if not my best guy friend. How this happened I have no idea. I don't know what I even want with this. Its not a good idea for so many reasons so I'm trying to ignore it. However the urge to kiss him at inappropriate times fails to disappear.
Then there is the little issue of my hopes for something with the guy who calls me beautiful all the time. He's adorable and sweet but I'm not sure that would be a good idea.
Then there is the issue of keeping Chris away for good now.
Lastly, someone that I've wanted for a long time is so close I can almost grab him. But, I have the most sickening feeling that I'm going to get hurt. Really bad. I want to text him all the time and whenever I see him I literally have to remind myself to be cool. And when I stupidly got caught staring this morning I responded even dumber with "I'm exhausted". I coulda said something much better. I tried to ignore this guy and put him in the closed box but he showed up and is now so close. I want to just be patient and wait for him to move here but its so not who I am. I make the girl move and prompt him to move. I can't ask him out. It would be bad. He'd say no and then id be rejected, sad, and really disappointed. No good.
So my walls have failed me. Uh oh.
How did I get so behind??
Well, so much for good sleep. 3:30am... You and I are not friends.
I still have 2 poems to write, 20 pages of theory articles to read, 18 pages of religion articles to read, a religion response paper, a poetry response paper, and a rough draft of my major theory paper is due Friday 3-4 pages single spaced. Ugh!!! What have I even accomplished?
But, it is almost 4am. I give up at 4am. Nothing productive will happen until about 9am. 5hours of sleep then up I go.
Beware of a stressed and cranky Hannah. Sorry.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Only a little stupid.
Instead, we ninja snuck across campus. Laughing at everything. Then it decided to downpour so we went and ran in all the puddles we could find while blissfully laughing into the sky. I felt very clean and oddly at peace with the world. It was as if God was pouring out my sadness right on me and letting it all melt away. I was not cold, alcohol's fault, but I felt the world around me touch my heart. I felt truly blessed.
Then we stumbled in. Took another shot. Ran across campus in every puddle to get ice cream because that is what two darling, soaking, hysterically laughing college gals do. Of course. Ice cream in hand, we shuffled across campus again. This time sharing about the joys of being inebriated and just stupid. We don't do stupid very often.
In the dorm we danced and laughed and danced and laughed and fell over on each other and laughed and called boys and laughed and generally just laughed. I don't know why things were funny, but I know the two of us were laughing so hard that my abs still hurt. We needed that laugh. We deserve that laugh. Gosh darn it, we have been so good we deserve some fun!
Then, Mak, love her, started feeling woozy so the fun slowly died down. We started a movie and gave up because she had to throw up. We trecked downstairs to the empty bathroom that looks like the one from Harry Potter and sat there talking about how much fun we'd been having. She ended up not puking, but we walked back upstairs. She crawled in bed, I filled water bottles and set out the garbage for her to use if necessary. She passed out safely snoring, and I settled in to watch friends. Quiet, me time. Ahh.
I didn't feel sick for more than a minute, but I also drank more water than her... Ahh c'est la vie.
So, now I am wide awake enjoying my time alone, with the sleeping roommate. I'm pondering how I called Neil, Brandon Bowie, Austin, Cole, and Cody and none of them answered, but Austin called me back. He was drunk too. And despite my desire to call Chris out of habit, I made the good drunk decision not to. Partially because I deleted his number and my fuzzy brain couldn't remember it and partially because I know it won't do me any good. Mom was right when we talked this weekend. Calling or talking to Chris won't make any differences in the weird relationship we have. He is going to come and go because he's too dumb to figure out that he might actually like me. And I have the choice to make on whether or not I let him in my life. I thought I wanted to talk to him and figure feelings out and why we do what we do over and over again without changing anything, but it's insane. So, my little drunk butt learned a lesson tonight, call your friends and they'll find you funny. Call an ex and it won't do any good. Ever.
I wish I had some way to prove to you all that I won't go scampering off to talk to him the next time he shows up, but I don't. I wish I had something to prove to myself that I won't want to go scampering back to him the next time he shows up. Maybe, if I write it down every day I might start believing it.... Hmmmm. New idea...
Anyways, despite being pretty darn smashed earlier this evening, I was only a little stupid.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Blood donation.
I donated blood today. Then the guy sat me up too fast and I forgot breakfast and passed out. Otherwise it was good.
I'm starting to feel the familiar sting of rejection and losing friends again. I understand that I'm not perfect and what everyone wants in a friend. But, if you are my friend then why leave? Why cut me out? I feel like the friend that no one wants.
Chris never answered me about talking things out. So I said "you are a coward and I don't know why I ever loved you" and moved on. Probably, he will text in a few months. If he agrees to talk for real then I will answer otherwise I deserve better.
I am hurt about Mak looking at an apartment with tavia. I'm sad I wasn't invited. I'm sad they didn't think of me in their plans of where to live next year. I'm deeply hurt that Mak didn't tell me honestly that she was going to look at a place with tavia. I'm upset that I am not my roommates first choice for a roommate next year. I hate that I get left behind. I'm being abandoned again.
So I donated blood. I feel like I just got robbed of my friends and somehow, everything and everyone else is still more important than me.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Another letter to Mr. Bentz
Hello again darling,
I have long let slide your refusal to talk about us as friends or otherwise. I have let you come into my life and leave again without much of a fight.
However, I'm tired of it. I deserve to talk shit out like adults. We've known each other a long time now and I feel I deserve better from you.
I don't want us back together, but me being me, I need to talk about why we keep finding ourselves together again. You are a horrible friend. You are an emotionally damaging boyfriend. And you don't know how to love anyone but yourself. The only good thing we have now is sex. And trust me hun, I don't need you for that. There are plenty of men knocking on my door that will treat me with more respect than you ever do.
I used to believe we could talk about anything. But that's not true. You run when things get serious or real.
So here's the deal. You leave me alone forever now. I don't want to hear from you. I don't want to see you. I don't even want to remember us. Because baby, I can't believe I ever loved you.
I know you don't ever listen to me, but please, listen just this once and go away forever.
I do not love you. There is no forever anymore, except without you.
Goodbye Chris.
-Hannah Meyers
Monday, November 5, 2012
I will stand by my views and I will happily talk with you if you don't understand why I'm voting the way I am.
Also, new Aerosmith album tomorrow!!!!! :)
Saturday, November 3, 2012
My Head is Swimming
My head is swimming with all this stuff, but I'm really good. I'm growing and becoming who I want to be. I'm finding I'm very happy despite the amount of stress I'm under. My head may be swimming, but I'm sure floating along the winding river of this crazy life. I'm just praying I don't hit any rapids...