Thursday, May 31, 2012
Oh just shut up
Sunday, May 27, 2012
What do I stand for?
Some nights I wish this all would end cause I could use some friends.
What do I stand for? Most nights I don't know.
This song has been stuck in my head. It has a super catchy tune but mostly the words hit home. What do I stand for?
I stand for freedom from labels. I stand for individuality. I stand for love. I stand to legalize love. I stand for myself. I stand for making mistakes and learning. I stand for late nights and early mornings. I stand for psychology and writing. I stand for karma. O stand for always dreaming. I stand for an era I wish I would have grown up in. The 70's lol
I stand for a lot. I stand for everything that makes me who I am. I know its hard staying on my path of good choice, but I stand for that.
Still haven't contacted Chris. I stand for pride and courage and conviction.
I can do this. Even when its hard.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I got straight A's this semester. That brought my GPA to a beautiful 3.74. I rock.
The best part of this achievement? I did it all on my own.
They say that some people are more prone to addictions than others. I always rolled my eyes and knew that I'm smart enough to not make those choices. The truth is though, there are more than just substances to be addicted to.
Since I was 16, I have been higher than high on the very existence of a man. When he was mine, I spent everyday feeding my addiction. Over time, my tolerance grew and I wanted and needed more from him. He could only give so much.
He left. He broke my heart and since that day close to 2 years ago, I have been living a life of withdrawls and binges that has only further hurt me.
I went months sometimes without him. I could do it, or so I thought, but then I would cave and call him or text him and we would see each other. I would lay in his arms and soak up every little bit of him I could. I'd take such concentrated doses of him that I would be a mess the next week from the sickness he caused. But, those binges reminded me of what that addiction and indulgence felt like.
I came to depend on my binges, bad idea. I began counting the days until I felt I could bother him to see me again. Then even that stopped. We tried to be friends. That was like taking me off heroin and putting me on methadone. Sure, it cuts the cravings, but the high isn't the same. Again, we caved. I saw him again.
The last time I saw him was bad. Laying under the stars in his arms and talking about wishes and life and having him lean down and kiss my head like he used to caused an overdose. I had the worst trip of my life that night. I didn't sleep. I wanted to crawl in a hole and forget my whole existence. But, I stayed strong.
Now, I realize I am better than a life of addiction. I don't need some drug to hold me up. I can go without him. So far, I have made it 4 days with minimal tears. For that, I am proud. The cravings will get bad, but I am ready to fight this time. I am ready to bar him entry into my system.
I will break this addiction and I will break my heart break.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Made it another day
I made it another day without texting him. I made it almost all day today without thinking about him. I made it until I was panicking to think about him. I can do it.
However, I am stressed. I do not do well talking about being stressed. Since I realized I have anxiety and ocd, I stuff things inside to try to make myself seem better, fixed. No problems with me. This only makes it worse for my little brain. Instead of confronting the stress and working through it with my family, I hide it until it becomes too much to bear and my little hands shake and my whole body fills with fear, anxiety, and stress. This is no good. I need a new coping mechanism. I am working on this. I shall keep you posted.
Monday, May 21, 2012
This isn't giving up. No, this is letting go.
Someone pinch me
I think I'm dreaming. A very elaborate, realistic dream that is slowly killing me.
I dreamed I would be able to fall in love forever like with someone I already know. I dreamed my love would come back to me exclaiming his stupidity. I dreamed I would have everything perfect again if I only had a boyfriend to break my path.
I don't need someone breaking my way. I blaze a trail all my own. No old love. No old friends. No old pain. No way. I am not old and neither will my life be.
I am a free woman with a true soul and a compassionate heart. Beware world... here I come and I am a whole lot of woman.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Just not sure
So I'm laying here. Listening to my friends talk about the party they're at or the fun stuff they're doing. I am happy to have summer, but I just feel terribly lonely and down.
I guess all I can do is sleep and hope for a better day. Maybe I'll get gauges tomorrow. That's something for me that I could enjoy. Lol :p jk mom.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
A crush
So, I have a crush. Stupid as it is. And the funniest part? I've known him since kindergarten.
Neil is one of my best friends. He is unbelievably kind and sweet. He never fails to talk me through a hard time. He flatters me and compliments me. He offers to take me out to the movies. He respects how I feel about having a random hookup and he doesn't push me to do any of that.
Problem is, he's perfect. Bigger problem is, he just doesn't want to "have a serious relationship". Biggest problem is, I do.
He called me beautiful tonight. He tells me to have sweet dreams. He takes care of me when I'm feeling down and upset about everything else in life. I text him everyday. I don't understand why he does all this if he doesn't want to date.
The worst thing though, I know neil would never ever ever pressure me into anything, I've had such bad experience with guys being dishonest that I can't help but think this is one elaborate way to get in my pants.
I know its not, but I just don't get why he's torturing me like this if its not going to go anywhere.
Whether they are sweethearts or douche bags, guys don't make sense.
First, why do guys think it is ok to keep trying to get in your pants when you say no? Why kiss me again when I pushed you away? That my not so nice friend is assault.
Second, where do you get the right after you assault me to go on and text me asking why the hell I told my friend, who works with sexual offense services, what happened? I have a right to talk. Shut up. You screwed up. Don't blame me. If anything you should say sorry.
Third, you claim most guys would have tried harder? No. Harder would have been rape. So thank dear God that you didn't "try harder".
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
A little bit of wishing on stars...
One of the things I love about being home is the stars. You can't see those in the city like you can out here. Every little pinprick of light out there has probably been wished on by millions of people. There is something special about sharing a wish on a star. Who knows who else may be wishing for something right that moment on that same star. I think that every wish comes true somehow. It just may not always go exactly like we think.
For the longest time, I wished for Chris to come back. And he did, just not as my boyfriend like I had hoped. Then I wished that he would love me again. And he did, just sexually and not emotionally. Then I wished for him to be my friend. And he is. Now, I wish for nothing to do with him. And he does, nothing to do with me. Except for rare moments when a shooting star goes by and forgets all the old wishes and flashes light into our lives and we connect as friends like nothing ever happened. These moments are when, I believe, he texts me for no reason. I guess he's making his own wishes on his end.
Now what do I wish for? I wish for school to go well and for good grades. I wish for friends that won't hurt me. I wish for an apartment that will be perfect for me. I wish for a job to pay for life. I wish for a relationship that won't scare me. I wish I wasn't scared in general. I wish for a lot of things. But, my most important wish, that everything that happens in my life makes me a better person.